Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hi everyone. I just wanted to post a short update since I noticed it's been over a week since my last post. Our group travels to Valparaíso for the weekend (it is nicknamed the "Jewel of the Pacific" for good reason) and we're all quite excited to travel and see more of the country. Next week I should have lots to write about because a) there's a teacher strike scheduled for Thursday, b) Sunday is the anniversary of the death of two young brothers who were killed during the dictatorship ("Dia del Joven Combatiente" is the name of the day; aka Day of the Combatant Youth---lots of protests and vandelism occur), and c) we finish up our school observations, which have certainly been eye-opening.

A quick look into my Chilean life: our group is getting to know more and more Chilean students as the time passes. We're starting to feel a much deeper connection to Chile because of these new friendships (not to mention improving our Chilean slang and swear word vocabulary). Below is a picture of me with Rodrigo (left, the son of our academic director) and his friend José (right). I also met a group of really nice girls at the university who are studying to be English teachers. Needless to say, our conversations are quite interesting, as we switch back and forth between English and Spanish. All this is to say that I might need to come back and visit my new friends in the future (holla Lindsey!).

A shoutout to some very special people:

Thanks Aunt Kathy, Uncle Kevin, and Miss Kendall Paine for the love!
If you follow suit, you too could be featured on my blog. I'm just saying......


PS For those of you who are Spanish-inclined, here's a video from the birthday party of our academic director, Roberto. His speech is really quite beautiful. Our singing, not so much.

1 comment:

  1. Nini. Thank you for your post. So excited. And I loved the video- only understood maybe one thing..something about 'his best friends'? And what was everyone chanting at the end? It looked way fun. Miss you.
